HMA and RGA reminders

December 1, 2024
Quick links:

As a participating Regence provider, you may see members from other companies that we partner with, including Healthcare Management Administrators Inc. (HMA), Regence Group Administrators (RGA), and—coming to market on January 1, 2025—Regence Group Administrators of Idaho Inc. (RGA-ID).

Provider networks
Regence provider networks and contracted rates support HMA and RGA, as shown below.

Identifying members
You can easily identify HMA or RGA members by the logo on the front of their member ID card.

Obtaining pre-authorization, eligibility, or claims status
Access the link to secure portals on their websites:

  • HMA:

  • RGA in Oregon and Utah:

  • RGA in Washington:

  • RGA of Idaho:

RGA in Washington and Idaho:

Submitting claims
You can submit claims electronically for your HMA or RGA patients using Availity Essentials.
HMA payer ID: HMA01
RGA payer ID: RGA01

Receiving vouchers and payment
These companies will send vouchers and reimbursement checks. Claims information and vouchers for your patients are available on Availity Essentials. To review other payment options (e.g., virtual card or automated clearing house), please visit Echo.

Visit the HMA and RGA websites listed above, or contact Customer Care:
HMA: 1-800-869-7093
RGA: 1-866-738-3924
RGA-ID: 1-833-670-0899